The Luaripak Group

Luaripak Energy


Luaripak Energy (Pvt) Ltd. was formed in 2007 by Pir Muhammad Sadiq. This company is part of Luaripak Group of Companies. LPE aims to provide a solution to the acute power shortage problem faced by Government of Pakistan at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

Current Projects

Luaripak Energy, along with Siddiqsons, has prepared a comprehensive report and participated in the bidding process for purchase of OGDCL owned Nur and Bagla Gas fields located in Badin, Sindh.
Luaripak Energy also holds LOI for 50MW Wind Power Project. Proposed location for this project is Golarchi, Badin in Sindh province of Pakistan. Initial studies show that the proposed site falls into the “Wind Corridor”.